The end of March marked the close of our 2020-21 fiscal year, and I could not be more proud of our team's stellar performance and their singular focus to increase the level of AI expertise of our clients, partners, and learners. Expect to see some highlights of our accomplishments in the coming months! In the meantime, here are some exciting things that are happening:
We are ramping up for a productive spring and summer and would love to hear from you about how we can support your AI adoption efforts.
See you over video chat soon,
If you’ve already taken ML Foundations 1, build on that knowledge with tools, strategies and more technical knowledge at ML Foundations 2! Register now for the May 13 class.
April 29: AI Seminar – Bill Leslie
Dr. Leslie is Professor of Medicine and Radiology at the University of Manitoba. His talk, entitled “Automated Bertebral Fracture Recognition from Clinical Images'', discusses his experience with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for automating vertebral fracture recognition from low-resolution DXA images.
April 30: AI Seminar – Ismail Ben Ayed
Ismail Ben Ayed is an Associate Professor at Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS) Montréal (Université du Québec), where he holds a research Chair on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. His interests include computer vision, optimization, machine learning and medical imaging.
May 11: Mind the Gap – Bridging Human Creativity and Machine Learning
Will AI and machine learning augment or replace human creativity? How do we teach creativity to the next generation in a world of AI and machine learning? And how do we ensure teaching creativity and innovation in this world remains inclusive? Join speakers Matthew Guzdial (Amii Fellow & Canada CIFAR AI Chair), David Cropley (Professor of Engineering Innovation, University of South Australia) and Val Walker, PhD (CEO, Business + Higher Education Roundtable) at this RCI Science event.
May 20: Virtual AI Meetup
Gather with the brightest minds in the AI community from Alberta and beyond at Amii’s Virtual AI Meetup! Each meetup features two presenters; at the end of each presentation, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session. Speakers TBA.
Join Alberta's growing AI community!
See a full list of Amii and partner events on our Events page.
Sep 27th 2024
In the latest episode of Approximately Correct, Andrew Butcher, co-founder of Artificial Agency, joins hosts Alona Fyshe and Scott Lilwall to discuss how his company is pushing the boundaries of AI in game development.
Sep 25th 2024
Read our monthly update on Alberta’s growing machine intelligence ecosystem and exciting opportunities to get involved.
Sep 18th 2024
Amii partners with Visionstate, a facility management solutions company, to tackle the complexities of staff and task scheduling in dynamic facility management. The project is supported by the PrairiesCan commitment to accelerate AI adoption among SMEs in the Prairie region.
Looking to build AI capacity? Need a speaker at your event?