The AI Seminar is a weekly meeting at the University of Alberta where researchers interested in artificial intelligence (AI) can share their research. Presenters include both local speakers from the University of Alberta and visitors from other institutions. Topics can be related in any way to artificial intelligence, from foundational theoretical work to innovative applications of AI techniques to new fields and problems.
On Dec. 10 2021, Geoffrey Shmigelsky, co-founder of OneCup AI, presented “Commercialization & Using AI in Livestock ID and Monitoring” at the AI Seminar.
Shmigelsky discussed OneCup AI’s work in using computer vision to identify and monitor livestock in rural locations. In his presentation, he discusses how working in remote areas presents challenges that aren’t often seen in other AI and machine learning environments: including limited connectivity, outdoor working conditions and the unpredictability that comes with working with livestock. Shmigelsky offers insight into the adoption of artificial intelligence in industries like ranching, where uncertainty over the benefits and slim profit margins have led to a reluctance to adopt artificial intelligence. He discusses his company’s experience designing BETSY, a livestock tracking system, and tailoring it to the specific needs and conditions faced by the ranching industry.
Watch the full presentation below:
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