Amii is proud to share the work of our researchers being featured at the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, running online this year from February 2 to 9.
The AAAI Conference promotes research in artificial intelligence (AI) and fosters scientific exchange between researchers, practitioners, scientists, students and engineers in AI and its affiliated disciplines. Based on h-index and Impact Score values, AAAI is within the top five highest-ranked ML & AI conferences in the world (see: Google Scholar and Guide2Research). According to the Program Co-chair Kevin Leyton-Brown (Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Amii and Professor at the University of British Columbia), a record 9,034 papers were submitted this year -- of these, 7,911 were reviewed and 1,692 (21%) accepted.
Accepted papers from Amii researchers cover a range of topics, including the introduction of CAPI, a novel algorithm that combines common knowledge among a team of agents as a way of discovering optimal joint policies, as well as EfficientDeRain, which is able to process a rainy image within 10~ms over 80 times faster than the state-of-the-art method, while achieving similar de-rain effects.
In addition, Amii Fellow and Canada CIFAR AI Chair Michael Bowling will be honoured as a new AAAI Fellow at AAAI 2021.
Amii Fellows and Canada CIFAR AI Chairs – professors at the University of Alberta and University of Regina – are included in the proceedings, as well as other Amii researchers:
Decision-Guided Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks
Deep Probabilistic Canonical Correlation Analysis
EfficientDeRain: Learning Pixel-Wise Dilation Filtering for High-Efficiency Single-Image Deraining
Hindsight and Sequential Rationality of Correlated Play
Improving the Performance-Compatibility Tradeoff with Personalized Objective Functions
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Avoiding Reopenings in Best First Suboptimal Search with General Bounding Functions
Policy-Guided Heuristic Search with Guarantees
Precision-Based Boosting
Programmatic Strategies for Real-Time Strategy Games
Solving Common-Payoff Games with Approximate Policy Iteration
TAC: Towered Actor Critic for Handling Multiple Action Types in Reinforcement Learning for Drug Discovery
Measuring the Solution Strength of Learning Agents in Adversarial Perfect Information Games featured at the Reinforcement Learning in Games Workshop
Amii researchers have also served in the organization of the conference:
Program Co-chair
Senior Member Track Co-Chair
Job Fair Co-Chair
Area Chairs
Senior Program Committee
Program Committee
Learn how Amii advances world-leading artificial intelligence and machine learning research: visit our Research page.
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